

Initiating Sex & Intimacy

Initiating sex and intimacy is a delicate act of communication, desire, and respect. As a Sex Educator and Sexual Health Clinician questions around initiating sex come up a lot. We...

Initiating Sex & Intimacy

Initiating sex and intimacy is a delicate act of communication, desire, and respect. As a Sex Educator and Sexual Health Clinician questions around initiating sex come up a lot. We...

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Getting Wet: Different Fluids and What They Mean

Wetness is our friend. I don't just mean the,"Oh my god I'm so wet" kind of wetness, but all of it. In my years working as a sex educator, I’ve...

Getting Wet: Different Fluids and What They Mean

Wetness is our friend. I don't just mean the,"Oh my god I'm so wet" kind of wetness, but all of it. In my years working as a sex educator, I’ve...